It’s time to move to the cloud. Period. End of discussion. Mic Drop.
Every day we hear more stories about network intrusions, hacking, ransomware attacks, and lost data. Companies who still have the servers on-premise – physical boxes onsite – are more at risk than those who have servers in the cloud. On-Premise servers require constant maintenance and should require failover hardware. The Total Cost of Ownership for physical servers far exceeds the cost of servers in the cloud.
Microsoft has spent billions of dollars building the infrastructure, security systems, and expertise to provide companies with a safe and stable environment for all network and application functions. Being in the cloud provides companies with more options. They can elect to simple-rent space on dedicated servers and keep control of all updates and patches. Companies with internal IT departments may take this option. Companies can also elect to utilize Azure servers and let Microsoft take care of all OS upgrades, updates, and security patches. This option allows companies to move IT resources dedicated to server maintenance into other more beneficial areas.
Innovia has been an active user of Azure for many years. We have helped to move many of our customers to the cloud. Typically, we start by moving email servers and office applications into the cloud. Once a level of comfort is established, we begin to help move the rest of a customers’ applications and servers. We know the benefit of not having the hardware to maintain.
It's easy to start this process. Simply reach out to your customer engagement specialist and they can help you get started. The future is now. The time is past to make this move. Let Innovia help you with this digital transformation.

Best Regards,
Alan Wyne, CEO

Microsoft 365 Price Increase Coming in March 2022 - Microsoft is raising the price per license on Microsoft 365 (Office 365) Subscriptions on March 1st, 2022. Here are the details you need to know to plan ahead.

Today’s world is all about integrations. Every piece of software you use fulfills a purpose, and when they can communicate with one another, you can do so much more.

Document Capture supports a wide range of document formats, PDF files, and electronic documents with out-of-the-box support for major XML-based invoicing formats. In short, you get the complete solution to communicate effectively with your vendors from all over the world.

As summer begins to wind down and everyone is returning to work and school from their vacations, it is important to remember to check your software for any updates you might have missed.

We are happy to welcome Technology Consultant Tim Blakemore to the Innovia team. Tim comes to us with a BS in Computer Information Systems and is a Certified AWS Cloud Practitioner. He is an avid gamer, likes golf, and has taken up woodworking. Tim and his wife, Natalie, have a one-year-old daughter, Nora, and a three-year-old golden retriever named Winry.
We are also happy to welcome, Sifat Sanjeen, as our Power Platform Developer. Sifat demonstrates a history of working in the Electronics Manufacturing and Computer Software industry. She is skilled in multiple programming languages; Microsoft Office, Management, Teamwork, and Leadership. She is a strong engineering professional with a Bachelor's degree focused in Electrical and Computer Engineering with Minors in Computer Science and mathematics from Texas Tech University.
We also want to welcome, Joe Hektor, to the Innovia team. Joe is our new Marketing Specialist and comes to us with over 20 years of marketing and graphic design experience, with a bachelor's degree in graphic design. When he isn't creating marketing magic, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two kids. Joe also enjoys Jiu-Jitsu, running, reading, and drawing.
Valerie Ingersoll - Senior Development Consultant
18 years
Breon Jennings - Application Consultant
2 years
Taylor Laabs - Service & Support Lead
2 years
Kevin Naughton -Application Consultant
2 years
Taylor Forshee - Human Resources Manager
1 year
Andrew Tuskey - Business Central Sales
1 year
Dan Drubert - Customer Engagement Representative
1 year
Scott Kutil - Dispatcher
1 year
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This Month's Question
Which of the following is a tool offered with Azure Services?
- Virtual Reality
- 6 Cup Holders
- Mixed Reality Features
- Perception Filter
A winner will be chosen from the correct responses and will receive this month's prize + a small gift basket.
Last Month's Answer
What is one of the 9 Costly Mistakes to Avoid when shifting to Accounts Payable Automation?
- Paying Invoices 60-days past due
- Paying Invoices Too Fast
- Training only 1 person
- Not making enough coffee
Answer: B Congratulations to Mike Reibman from Gourmet Boutique, who won the $25 Lowe's Gift Card