For those of you looking to upgrade to Business Central in 2020, Microsoft has recently made an announcement on version availability. The current versions of Business Central, Ver 15 and Ver 14, are still available for download and installation. Normally when Ver 16 comes out in April of 2020 Microsoft will no longer allow the download of Ver 14. Why is this important to you?
Business Central Ver 14 has 2 important features that will no longer be available in Ver 15 and beyond. After Ver 14 Microsoft is discontinuing the Windows Client and CAL Code usage for On-Prem installations. This means that all users for On-Prem installations will have to use the Modern Client (also known as the browser client). It also means that all programming and modifications will have to be done in extensions and in AL code. Both of these changes can have an impact on your users.
Now for the good news. Microsoft has announced that Ver 14 will have extended availability to October 2020. This provides all companies looking to upgrade, an additional 6 months to get the work started. Once you download an upgraded license, you have 6 months to complete the transition. After that you can still run the old version, but you can no longer add new ISVs, tables, code units or users to your old license. It is important to plan for this timeline if you are considering an upgrade. Your Innovia account manager has all the details and can help you with any questions.
Innovia has had a fantastic year and it is all due to our customers. We appreciate the trust you put in our work and the relationships that have formed over time. We look forward to a great 2020 with all of you. We wish you a very Happy New Year.
Best Regards,
Alan Wyne, CEO