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Notifications: How They Can Help You Communicate


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Are you utilizing your notifications? Learn some of the benefits of using notifications including effectively communicating important information to your staff members without leaving NAV. Join us in this webinar to gain valuable insight in other ways to use notifications in NAV.

Presented by Alan Wayne, CEO, Innovia Consulting

Watch the Webinar Now

About the Presenter

Alan Wyne

Alan Wyne

Alan Wyne is Chief Executive Officer at Innovia Consulting, where he leads the team to provide phenomenal Business Central/NAV implementations and support. He is an experienced IT leader, who has held numerous senior positions and uses this background to help customers truly engage their own teams and software for the best possible results. Alan’s background includes 20 years in the IT world as a programmer, IT Manager, and CIO.  He also has a number of years of experience running multi-site manufacturing operations. He has experience in management roles in retail, manufacturing, warehouse, and IT.