To our prospective Innovia Customer Conference guests,
In light of the ongoing concerns with COVID-19, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Innovia Customer Conference. We have also decided not to hold a virtual-only version of the event this year. While we still believe that offering BC/NAV training in a virtual format is valuable to our customers, we believe our conference's unique value lies in getting people together face-to-face and giving your teams that same opportunity to interact with our customers.
Several factors went into making this difficult decision:
Firstly, we sent a survey to our customers to gauge feedback on their current comfort levels with different event formats:
- An in-person conference
- A virtual event
- A hybrid (in-person and virtual) event
The data we received showed a general feeling of unease in coming to an in-person event of this size while COVID-19 is still a concern. While several respondents indicated they would attend a virtual event, the overall response was not substantial enough to make us feel comfortable moving forward with that option.
The second major factor in our decision was receiving word from the University of Notre Dame that the dates we chose for the 2021 conference were no longer available due to the need for extra space to conduct socially distanced classes and tests. We considered other dates but could not find another date that worked for us and the venue/hotel.
For those who are still interested in remote BC/NAV training during 2021, you still have many options, including Innovia webinars and Innovia Training Workshops, as well as other events like DynamicsCon. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your customer engagement specialist or contact us at
Despite this year's uncertainty, our team fully expects to be back in-person for the 2022 Innovia Customer Conference! After a couple of years thinking about it, our team has some exciting plans to make this a unique, fun, and valuable experience for you! We can't wait to share more in the months ahead.
Best Regards,
Team Innovia