When a company is looking to upgrade to Business Central or re-implement NAV, there can be a sense of trepidation and fear in deciding to proceed. We see this all the time with our customers who don’t upgrade regularly. Many are running a version of NAV that is over 10 years old, and they are hesitant to upgrade because they remember how painful the original implementation was. There is a reluctance to go through all that again. It is a natural feeling.
However, it needs to be made clear that an upgrade or re-implementation is not the same as a new install.
If users are already using NAV, a version change will not present the challenge of learning new software. Once users realize that much of what they use today is still in the new system with just a different look, upgrading or re-implementing becomes much easier.
Business leaders question the value of expending resources on improving a system that already works. What they need to consider is that software, like any other equipment, has a life cycle. Pushing a system past a certain point can pose a serious risk to ongoing operations.
An upgrade or re-implementation guarantees businesses that their ERP system is modern, up to date, and ready to support the business for years to come. A modern ERP system can also offer new insights into their business, provide new efficiencies, and the ability to expand their system with modern tools.
Every business runs on information, and an ERP system is an engine that provides that crucial information. Keeping a current and up-to-date ERP system helps companies maintain and grow.
Don’t be afraid to be current.