In the last month, Microsoft has provided some cash flow relief centered on annual enhancement payments. Customers can choose to change their annual enhancement payment into a monthly billing, eliminating the need to write those large annual checks. Instead, this program will take your annual payment and divide it by 12 to determine your monthly amount due. Customers who have not yet paid the annual enhancement in 2020 will be able to sign up for the monthly program this year, while customers who have already paid will be able to start it in 2021.
To take advantage of this offer, you will need to make sure Innovia is your Cloud Services Provider. This is a simple change that can be completed through the Innovia website.

The next step is to contact your Innovia Account Manager and let them know that you would like to go on the monthly billing program. Innovia will set you up in the Microsoft Cloud Solution system and provide you with Business Central licenses which equal the value of your current annual enhancement fee. No costs will change, and you will be able to continue using the version you are currently running.
Why is Microsoft doing this? Microsoft knows that the tech business world is moving to monthly fees for services. It wants to help all customers move to a monthly recurring fee and create an easier path for upgrading to Business Central. This offer is Microsoft's way of making the transition easier, as well as helping with cash flow. The best part is that nothing changes for the customer.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity. If you would like more details, Innovia has a webinar and a blog specifically on this topic. For current Innovia customers, you may contact your account manager to start this process, or you can click the "Contact Us" link below, fill out a short form, and your account manager will reach out.

Best Regards,
Alan Wyne, CEO