Check out important blogs, team additions, upcoming events, and prizes in this month's edition of the Innovia Newsletter.
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Last year we launched the Innovia Training Workshops, and the response has been excellent. We launched with 14 classes in the Fall of 2020, which covered a wide range of topics, all presented by Innovia staff. In 2021 we have added 16 classes. You can see a list of the classes and register for them here.

The classes are all virtual, meaning you can access them from anywhere. Depending on the topic, they range from 2 hours to 3 days in duration. We have priced the classes to be easily affordable for all companies. The fees range from $195 to $595 per company. 

Because our offerings are priced per company, you only pay once for any number of people from your company to attend. We will hold the class regardless of the number of people attending. Classes are NEVER canceled due to a low number of attendees.

Innovia continues to provide excellent training for our customers and the NAV/BC community.   Innovia has a long history of support to the NAV/BC community with technical expertise and training. Take some time to look at our offerings and sign up for a class. If you don’t see a topic you are looking for, contact your Customer Engagement Specialist and let them know what you'd like to see.

Best Regards,

Alan Wyne, CEO

A Wyne Sign Bold

Alan Wyne
Innovia Training Workshops

Security & Permissions

June 8 at 12 pm CT | Virtual | $300 - Per Person

Are security and permission settings in Business Central causing you hours of frustration? They don’t have to. Join this training class to learn everything you need to know about security in your system.

Register Now

Sales and Use Tax in Business Central

June 16 at 12 pm CT | Virtual | $195 - Per Company

Are you getting started with the sales and use tax features in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central or NAV? Do you need guidance on how to set yourself up for success? In this training workshop, you will get the training you and your team need to start using all the components of the sales/use tax features in Business Central.

Register Now
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How Much Can You Save with Microsoft Azure?

With an incredible feature set, Microsoft Azure is your go-to place for the latest IT tech. Did you know it's affordable as well?

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What Is Power BI?

Have you been hearing about Power BI but aren't sure what it means? This FAQ article will walk you through it and show you what one looks like.

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Permissions & Security in D365 BC / NAV: It’s Finally Time to Fix Them

Have you been putting off handling your permissions and security settings in Business Central or NAV? Find out why now's the time to get it done.

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Your Two Biggest Fears about Azure—and Why You Don't Need to Be Afraid

Added costs and the need for an internet connection might be getting in the way of your Azure migration. Let's find out how to get past them.

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Donavan Anniversary
Donavan Lane -
Founder &
34  years
Annette Anniversary
Annette Buchal -
Senior Application Consultant
9 years
Steve Anniversary
Steve Waltz -
Customer Engagement
6 years
Angie Anniversary
Angela Doorn -
Sales & Marketing Administrator
4 years
Bryce Anniversary
Bryce Menadue -
Development Consultant
3 years
Andrei Anniversary
Andrei Bruzgulis - Senior
Application Consultant
1 year


  • Control lights from anywhere with no subscription or hub required
  • Voice control works with Apple HomeKit, the Goole Assistant & Amazon Alexa
  • Create custom schedules & times in the app
  • Group and control Wemo devices together
  • Away mode allows your lights to be randomly turned on and off to make it look like you were home

This Month's Question

Which of the following is NOT part of the Power Platform?

  1. Power BI
  2. Power Apps
  3. Power Windows
  4. Power Virtual Agents
Submit your answer to
A winner will be chosen from the correct responses and will receive this month's prize + a small gift basket.

Last Month's Answer

What should you NOT do in your first 100 days with your new CRM? 

  1.  Plan ahead
  2. Try something new
  3. Watch the webinar on "Your First 100 Days of CRM"
  4.  Get discouraged and throw your system in the garbage 

Answer: D
Congratulations to Kim Sparks from Sunshine Mills, who won the Bass Pro Shop gift card.