Check out important blogs, team additions, upcoming events, and prizes in this month's edition of the Innovia Newsletter.
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As we move toward the end of 2021, it’s a good time to look back on the year and see all the good things that happened. Yes, there were good things in 2021. For starters, the Covid vaccine was rolled out to anyone 5 years and older. This is enough to consider 2021 a resounding success. The continued vaccination efforts have allowed people to begin to get back to normal and ease the stress brought on by uncertainty.

The rule of how we work got turned on its head and that is a good thing. I saw the following quote: “What has happened in the last 18 months normally would have happened in 18 years”. While such a fast change can be disruptive, I consider it a great path to innovation. With the tools now in place (widely used broadband, Microsoft Teams, BC SaaS), the old way of working in an office has been broken open and has allowed companies to provide a significantly better and more flexible work environment.

Innovia saw our customers growing their business and expanding their technology offerings. Customers have invested heavily in upgrades, re-implementations, Microsoft (Office) 365, and Azure with a level of demand that outpaced all previous years. Investing in people and operations has always been important, but in 2021 that effort took on a new urgency.

Yes, 2021 has been a good year. The economy has certainly faced headwinds in terms of staffing shortages, supply chain issues, and inflation. However, we see the economy through the eyes of our customers. We see our customers investing and betting on the continued strong economy and the solid improvements coming in 2022 and beyond. We see the world heading towards normality.

2022 is also the year we get to welcome our customers in person at the Innovia Customer Conference. This 2-day event is free and gives you ample opportunity to network with your peers, learn the latest in Business Central and Microsoft cloud technologies, and as an added bonus, an opportunity to explore the legendary Notre Dame campus. You can register today by following the link below.

Register for the FREE 2022 Innovia Customer Conference

2021 had its struggles but we have made it to the end! We look forward to an extraordinary 2022.

Best Regards,

Alan Wyne, CEO

A Wyne Sign Bold

Alan Wyne
Innovia Training Workshops

Currency and Exchange Rate Setup in Business Central

December 2 at 8 am CT | Virtual | $195 - Per Company

Is your team facing challenges while trying to transact in multiple currencies? In this 3-hour workshop, we walk you through the process, from setup to processing and reporting.

Register Now

Power Platform: Power Automate

December 14 at 8 am CT | Virtual | $195 - Per Company

Do you wish you had more time to think of new ideas to push your business forward? Are you, instead, spending time manually completing repetitive, monotonous tasks? Automating these time thieves is now easier than ever!

Register Now

Business Central Costing Deep Dive Workshop

December 15 at 8am CT | Virtual | $195 - Per Company

Do you already know your costing methodology but would like to learn more of the details behind how you can set up your costing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (or NAV) to optimize your costing data? Join this webinar to find out how.

Register Now

Top 10 Supply Chain Management KPIs

Is your data-driven company having problems navigating its complicated supply chain data? Here are the top supply chain management KPIs your company should be monitoring.

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Cybersecurity is NOT an IT Problem

Placing your cyber security in the hands of your IT department is a recipe for disaster. Learn how to protect your company and data from cyber-attacks.

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Calling Rapid Start Automation APIs using OAuth2.0 Authentication

Authentication for Business Central APIs is changing from Basic to OAuth2.0. Read how this will impact service to service calls to APIs.

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Gourmet Boutique: A long-term relationship with fair-minded people

Read about how Innovia Consulting helped Gourmet Boutique overcome its challenges and its plans for the future.

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jeff pergolski anniversary
Jeff Pergolski -
Senior Technical Presales and Licensing Specialist
13  years
desiree gigear anniversary
Desiree Gigear -
Senior Application Consultant
5 years
lisa doran anniversary
Lisa Doran -
Senior Application
5 years
Pat Lacouture Anniversary
Pat Lacouture -
Customer Engagement Specialist
2 years
Ward Anniversary
Ward Furman -
Senior Development Consultant
2 years
Amanda anniversary
Amanda Ejiro -
2 years
Bob R Anniversary
Bob Rainville -
Senior Application Consultant
2 years
Dhruv Patel Anniversary
Dhruv Patel -
Development Consultant
2 years
Amazon Gift Card Give Thanks


  • Treat yourself or a special someone.
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  • $25 value

This Month's Question

What is the average cost of a cyber security breach for a company?

  1. 4 million dollars
  2. 1 million dollars
  3. 500 thousand dollars
  4. 3 bars of Beskar steel
Submit your answer to
A winner will be chosen from the correct responses and will receive this month's prize + a small gift basket.

Last Month's Answer

What does DAX stand for?

  1. Defined Analogue X client
  2. Data Activity Cross-Reference
  3. Data Analysis Expression
  4. Dallas Ate a Xenomorph

Answer: C
Congratulations to Tara L. from Culver Franchising System, LLC who won our October prize.