Your business relies on the most accurate information and reporting to meet its goals and obligations, make strategic decisions for improvement, and stay on track. Month-end and inventory reconciliation reports are a major source of this information.
This workshop is for Business Central users who want to understand better the features and best practices for month-end and inventory reconciliation with your BC system. Join us for this deep dive into how to optimize and get the most from your reports.
Topics Areas Include:
- Transactions
- Security
- Inventory Monthly Close
- Finance Monthly Close
Save on registration! If you are an Innovia Consulting client, you get an automatic 10% discount.
If you have designated Innovia as your Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP), that discount increases to 20% off.
The pricing for this workshop is per company, meaning anyone else from your company can join for free!
Once you register, you will receive a customized invoice via email. Once you pay it, you will receive a link to join the class.